Adult Discipleship
We were made to live in community with others! At LifePark, we believe we grow more spiritually when we’re connected relationally. Our adult discipleship group’s ministry is designed to help you fulfill this need. Our desire is to see everyone grow in Christ, build life-giving relationships, and share their faith with others. There are lots of different types of groups here at LifePark. We want to help you find the best group for you.
– Adult Discipleship Groups –
Ways to Get Connected
LifeGroups are all about forming relationships with other Christians for spiritual growth. Each week, LifeGroups gather in homes and meeting spots throughout our city and at our church for Bible study, fellowship, prayer, and mission. There are LifeGroups for Men, Women, and CO-ED. We offer LifeGroups on most days of the week and there are a variety of LifeGroups for different ages.Find Your Group
Classes at LifePark are focused on learning biblical information that will deepen faith and strengthen our church. Classes tend to be more lecture-based with some discussion in a co-ed setting. In the past, our classes at LifePark have covered topics like leadership, biblical interpretation or survey, mission and evangelism, stewardship, and apologetics.View Classes
Re|Engage is a weekly marriage enrichment ministry that examines God’s design for marriage and applies principles from the Bible to guide couples towards growth in their relationship with each other. It is great for every married couple, no matter your season of life or strength of marriage. Enrollment opens in Fall and Spring.Get Information
Our mentoring opportunities provide specific spiritual and practical insight and wisdom into a person’s life from an experienced leader. Mentoring at LifePark takes place for men and women in two ways: Radical Mentoring Groups and Care Mentorship Pairings. Radical Mentoring is a 9-month gender-based small group journey. Care Mentorships help you journey through a complex or difficult season in life.Explore Mentoring
Care Groups & Classes
Care groups and classes are designed to provide a compassionate community as you encounter life’s most challenging moments. Our classes emphasize transformational change through timeless and inspirational Biblical principles. Our groups provide space to heal in a consistent community through a strategically designed program.Get Care
Praying Groups
One of the main ways we can know Christ and grow up in Him is through prayer. Prayer is essential because it is how we listen and speak to our Heavenly Father. Most agree that prayer is important but many of us find it challenging. Praying Groups help people learn to pray by meeting weekly or monthly to study prayer and discover the joy of praying together.Get Information
Senior Adults
We want to create an environment for fellowship, edification, and ministry opportunities for our senior adults. We have large group gatherings that are complemented by more frequent small group gatherings of people with specific interests. Check out our ministry page, jump into an interest group, and sign up for our monthly newsletters to stay in the loop!Get Information
Hike Ministry
LifePark invites both men and women to join us on a Fall or Spring hike. The hikes are an opportunity for God to change your life as you embark on a four-day adventure. Join others as you hike, explore, build relationships, and experience God in a fresh way. These opportunities are available for those seeking to strengthen their faith by getting out their comfort zone and learning to deepen their trust in God and with one another.Get Information
The MomCo
The Mom Community, or MomCo (formally MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers), gathers to support moms. We believe in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together, face to face. That’s why we rally women to come together in their own neighborhoods and help each other through this thing called motherhood, one gathering at a time. Our group meets on Wednesday mornings September to May.Learn More
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Need Help Finding Your Fit?
Our pastors and staff members would love to help you find the perfect adult disciple group for you! We know that it's sometimes easier to let us know your needs and then we provide a few different options, so click the button below to fill out the Groups interest form.
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Childcare for Groups
LifePark has 3 options to assist with childcare:
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Adult Discipleship Staff
Dr. Noah Reid
Associate Pastor, Discipleship
Anna Haysom
Associate Discipleship Director