Sphere of Influence

Equipping and empowering you to share the Gospel where you live, work, and play.

Find the Right Tool

There are many ways to share the same Gospel, and we want to help equip you with the one that fits best with your personality, conversation style, and giftedness. Check out the resources below!


Three Circles – a simple three step tool that focuses on your story to share the Gospel. Recommended for people who are natural conversationalist, relational, and willing to share their own story.

4 Spiritual Laws – a tool that focuses on truths from scripture to share the Gospel. Recommended for mature Christians who have internalized some key Gospel-truths, and willing to ask for a response.

Roman Road – a tool that focuses on key verses from scripture to share the Gospel message. Recommended for Christians who have memorized scripture, deep thinkers, and patient with questions. 

Resources to Grow

Here is a list of reading resources that would be helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about personal evangelism.

Life on Mission by Dustin Willis and Aaron Coe

The Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon

Intentional Christian Living by the North American Mission Board

Faith in the Workplace by the North American Mission Board

Lifegroup study

Our team has put together a 3-week study to help your group learn about the biblical principles of missions, three easy ways to share the Gospel, and tools to help discern the right time and place to share.
View Study Guides